Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Peterborough CAMRA Beer Festival: Day Two

It's Wednesday morning and I am getting ready to set off to the beer festival at around 8:30am ish, when CK will pick me. Looking at how busy it was last night on the webcam (Didn't spot Henry), I am really looking forward to working their again this year. See you in the South Marquee if you are going, somewhere around the WXYZ bar area, just by the Batemans bar.

Hope to have further posts here throughout the week, if not then a full report at the weekend when I have recovered.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Peterborough CAMRA Beer Festival: Day One

Tue 23rd to Sun 28th August, 2005
The Embankment, Bishop's Road, Peterborough

Day one and it looks like it has been a very busy night

Greene King Threat To Scotland’s Largest Regional Brewer

CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale, is urging Belhaven’s shareholders to reject Greene King’s bid for Belhaven Brewery. CAMRA's call follows the announcement that Greene King has made an agreed bid for Belhaven Brewery.

Belhaven is a very successful Scottish brewer with rising sales and profits and an estate of over 300 pubs. Belhaven has recorded 15 years of unbroken growth.

We are hugely disappointed at the prospect of losing Scotland’s largest Independent Brewery. Belhaven is a successful independent Scottish company that brews excellent beer and runs excellent pubs.

While we welcome Greene King’s intention to keep the Brewery open, the loss of Belhaven as an independent company is a bitter blow to consumer choice and competition in Scotland. Greene King needs to reassure Scottish drinkers that they will continue to brew and promote Belhaven’s unique beers such as Belhaven 60/-.

We hope that Belhaven’s many individual shareholders will pause for thought before selling their shares to Greene King.

Ken Davie, CAMRA Scottish Director

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Peterborough CAMRA Beer Festival: The Beer keeps On Comming

Most of the beer is stillaged

And another beer delivery

You can see more pictures in the Album on the Peterborough CAMRA Beer Festival website.