Many of you must now be aware that Hydes brewery has recently been experiencing problems with their production of cask Boddingtons bitter. Reports that the beer has been acidic and undrinkable are widespread. Many Boddingtons pubs and free trade outlets have now withdrawn the beer from sale until the brewery can investigate the cause of the problem and put it right.
I have contacted Hydes for an explanation but to date they have not been able to get back to me. Talking to licensees it would appear that some 4,000 barrels of Boddingtons have been recalled to the brewery because the beer is not in a saleable condition. What this means locally is that cask Boddingtons bitter is likely to be
unavailable throughout the area and will continue to be unavailable until the problem is sorted. The implications of this for a small family brewery like Hydes are likely to be serious.
As soon as I have more information then I will let you know. Until then please continue to support Hydes brewery and all the other cask beers it brews. At the moment I have no idea what the production problem is but it is at times like this that our local family breweries need all the help that we can give them. Please continue to support Hydes brewery.
Thanks for your patience.
Stuart Ballantyne
Hydes CAMRA brewery liaison officer
Updated 31 Aug 2005:
Hi everyone,
As you are well aware, Hydes brewery has been experiencing production
problems with cask Boddingtons bitter recently. I have been in touch
with Paul Jefferies, production and distribution director at the
brewery, and he has issued the following comment.
"I have been away on holiday this last week so forgive me for not
replying sooner. I am pleased to let you know that the fermentation
issues with the Boddingtons cask beer have now been fully resolved and
the improved beer should now be starting to filter through into trade".
As before, please let me know if this is not the case and if you are
still experiencing brewery quality problems with the beer at the pubs in
which you drink it.
Hydes BLO