Friday, July 01, 2005

The Biggest Real Beer Festival in the World

The Great British Beer Festival
Tuesday 2nd August - Saturday 6th August 2005
London Olympia

A beer drinker's paradise - something for everyone!

A unique annual celebration featuring over 450 real ales, plus cider, perry and international beer.

* Biggest Real Beer Festival in the World - the largest volunteer-run beer festival in the world!

* Over 450 real ales from over 200 different British brewers! Wheat beers, ginger ales, beers flavoured with herbs and spices, lots of tasty bitters, milds and stouts - something for everyone!

* 200 international beers - Beers from around the world including, Russian, German, Belgian, Dutch, American, Australian and Austrian! These are not just classic styles but exciting flavours and variations!

* Cider and perry too! The Festival features a wide variety of traditional ciders and perries, all dispensed directly form the cask by gravity. You won't find the usual bland mass-produced brands here!

* Champion Beer of Britain - Final judging of the most prestigious beer competition in the UK takes place on Tuesday 2nd August 2005. The consumer's choice of the best British beers.

* Tutored tastings - From 2nd to 5th August 2005 you can take part in tutored tastings hosted by experts, including Real ale in a Bottle, Golden Ales and Beer and Cheese.

* No "Rip-Off" zone - full pints guaranteed. We use oversized lines glasses so you get what you pay for - a full liquid pint every time.

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