Getting what you pay for is a basic consumer right. When ordering a pint of beer you should receive exactly that – a full pint. The reality is very different, and because of loopholes in the law over 8 out of 10 pints are short measure.
Despite repeated promises, the Government have failed to act on short beer measures.
Under pressure from the pubs industry, the Government are now proposing to define a pint as “not less than 95% liquid”. CAMRA believes that this proposal will lead to the worsening of the current situation as it gives a green light to companies to short change consumers.
Please write or email your MP calling on them to support the campaign for an Honest Pint Law and to sign EDM 404. *
Click HERE to take action NOW! to demand Your Full Pint!
*EDM stands for Early Day Motion. These can be signed by backbench MPs to show their support for a campaign. Frontbench MPs do not usually sign EDMs. EDM 404 reads:
"That this House expresses concern at current proposals to define a pint of beer as "not less than 95% liquid"; notes that the Campaign for Real Ale, the Trading Standards Institute and LACORS believe that this proposal will result in the proposed 5% "tolerance" being added to the existing deficiency threshold normally applied by enforcement agencies before considering prosecution action, and which will result in licensees being able to serve "pints" of substantially less than 95% liquid; further notes that short measure costs consumers over £400 million annually, HM Treasury over £54 million annually in lost excise revenues, and Brewers £133 million in lost beer sales; that this House therefore calls on the Government to bring forward legislation to protect consumers from short beer measures by defining a pint of beer as 100% liquid."
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Nice blog thanks for postting
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