Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Licensing Act To Go Ahead

Don't Panic Mr Mangering, we will be able to enjoy a beer next week!

The Licensing Act is to become law on November 24 after the Tories’ attempts to delay the regime failed in the House of Commons last night.

A Conservative motion to cancel the start date of the Licensing Act was defeated by 74 votes in the Commons. The Lib Dems also backed the motion, which was lost by 228 votes to 302.

This vote follows the House of Lords earlier this week in which peers voted by a majority of 33 to delay the implementation of the new regime “to allow more time to address public concerns about the effects of the proposed changes.”

Check out Knut Albert's Beer Blog : English licencing laws post on this subject:
As I am going to England at the end of next week, I shall be able to report first hand if the more liberal licencing laws for pubs will result in an orgy of drinking and rampaging - or if people just relax a bit more over their last pint for the evening. It is the proper time to quote George Orwell, who wrote about this issue in the Tribune in 1944...

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